Tools and Technical Solution (TTS) is your reliable partner in the purchase and advice of processing tools for metal cutting. ools and Technical Solution (TTS) is your reliable partner in the purchase and advice of processing tools for metal cutting.
Even from the past, working in the production field, I often ran into situations such as the lack of suitable tools for my processes or the problem of purchasing the wrong tools without receiving expert guidance from the distribution companies. This fact determined me to get more involved in this field and meet each customer by offering technical advice for each individual product." (Baghiu Emanoil - CEO of TTS Romania)
Our main partner CERATIZIT, is a world known – manufacturer famous for quality, active in more than 25 countries around the world and with 100 years of experience.
Since we became business partners with Ceratizit, we are even more confident, because we benefit their full support.
TTS (founded in 2013) aims to be in a continuous development, both in terms of the diversity of wear parts and cutting tools for cutting, as well as the customer satisfaction level for the products and services offered.
We are a young and dynamic company, formed by a technically trained team that is in a continuous development on the market of tools machining by cutting. Trust and promptness are the values on which we are guided by the entire approach of TTS company.
We are with you in choosing the best tools for machining. If you would like to contact one of the Tools and Technical Solution specialists, please contact us with confidence!
Tools and Tehnical Solution TTS este partenerul tău de încredere în achiziționarea și consilierea de scule de prelucrare pentru așchierea metalelor.
„În trecut, am fost specializat în domeniul producției, iar adese ori ma loveam de lipsa sculelor potrivite pentru procesele mele sau de achiziționarea sculelor pentru așchiere de proastă calitate, fără a primi o îndrumare de specialitate din partea firmelor de distribuție. Am ales să imi schimb domeniul de activitate, tocmai pentru a veni în întâmpinarea fiecărui client cu consultanță tehnică pentru fiecare produs în parte și comercializarea de produse de așchiere de la producători internaționali, recunoscuți pentru calitate și fiabilitate.” (Baghiu Emanoil)
TTS Tools își propune să fie într-o continuă dezvoltare, atât a diversității de piese de uzură și scule de prelucrare pentru așchiere, cât și a nivelului de satisfacție al clienților pentru produsele și serviciile oferite.
Suntem o companie tânără și dinamică, formată dintr-o echipă dedicată care este într-o continuă dezvoltare pe piața sculelor pentru prelucrare prin așchiere. Încrederea și promptitudinea sunt valorile după care ne ghidăm întregul demers al companiei TTS Tools.
We are with you in choosing the best tools for machining. If you would like to contact one of the Tools and Technical Solution specialists, please contact us with confidence!
Sustainability & Responsibility
Regrinding parts
Your used tool is in good hands with us, you will receive back the rectified tool, covered with the original geometry, ready to use again on the machine.
Our recommendation is to make a maximum of 3 reconditions on a tool, thus obtaining performances between 95-99% like a new tool.
The biggest advantage of this service is the reduction of production costs.
Carbide Recycling
When the tool shows major wear and tear and can no longer be used, refurbished, we come to the aid of customers with the carbide recycling service.
We take preventive measures to avoid accidents or to minimize their impact, we provide them with specific information, safety training. We believe that a high level of safety also contributes to the company’s success and offers benefits beyond risk management.
Quality Management
We attach great importance to the quality of our products, which is why we considered that in order to achieve our quality objective it is necessary to obtain ISO 9001 accreditation. Quality management based on ISO 9001 is designed to ensure high quality processes and services, representing the stronger body certifying the quality standard.